Who We Are

We are a free network of dentists, physicians, business owners, and entrepreneurs looking for passive  investment opportunities in real estate. We help provide accredited investors access to institutional quality private placement investments in the apartment, self-storage, and industrial space. We partner with experienced operators who focus on value-add, repositioning, and rebranding projects to create upside while focusing on limiting downside risk.*

Selling a property?

Looking for a 1031 option?

We work with investors who have 1031 funds they are looking to place. We’ve helped investors identify passive multi-family apartment opportunities that would take their funds and helped them execute their 1031 exchanges. We are excited to help investors defer long term capital gains and put them in attractive, passive real estate deals! If you have a 1031 over $500K, reach out to me, [email protected], to learn what may be available.*

Jeff Goedeker


Jeff earned his Doctorate of Dental Surgery degree from Indiana University and his Bachelors of Arts from Franklin College.  He practices full time as a general dentist on the south side of Indianapolis.  Jeff has been investing in various forms of real estate since 2003.

Jeff is part of a syndication team that supports various sponsors in raising private equity for acquisitions.  Jeff has been part of syndication opportunities in multiple apartment complexes of over 2,700 units and self storage facility projects.

Jeff lives in Whiteland, IN with his wife and 4 kids.  He is involved in numerous sports and activities with his kids.

Connect with Jeff on Facebook

How to get started

Fill out our contact form to be on our Dental Investor Network email list.

To satisfy SEC compliance guidelines, we will reach out to share more info about these types of investments, get a better understanding of your goals, and answer any questions that you may have.

Once we have connected, you will be included on our email list which will notify you when new opportunities become available. Opportunities are sent out regularly to our network of accredited investors. When you see a project that interests you, simply request more information. We are here to answer all of your questions as you do your due diligence, and help walk you through the entire process.

Enjoy the benefits that passive investments can provide. Distributions and updates are made on a monthly/quarterly basis depending on the deal.*

We look forward to connecting!

Securities are offered through Finalis Securities LLC Member FINRA / SIPC. The Dental Investor is not a registered broker-dealer, and Finalis Securities LLC and The Dental Investor are separate, unaffiliated entities. Finalis Privacy Policy | Finalis Business Continuity Plan | FINRA BrokerCheck

TheDentalInvestor.com (the “The Dental Investor Website”) is a website operated by The Dental Investor, a privately held Indiana limited liability company. The Dental Investor provides financial and strategic advisory, consulting services, mergers and acquisitions services, fairness opinions, etc.

*Real estate investing comes with a variety of risks including rising interest rates, lower than expected occupancy and the operator’s failure to execute the renovation and rental increase business plan.  Real estate investments are also illiquid which means there is no readily available market for an investor to sell their interest in a real estate syndication.  Investors are also typically required to be deemed an accredited investor.  As with any investment, there is the risk the entire investment may be lost.